Friday, February 21, 2020

How do the views of Machiavelli, Hobbes and Grotius differ and what Essay

How do the views of Machiavelli, Hobbes and Grotius differ and what aspect of society influenced these theories - Essay Example To his mind the law was a necessary and rational perversion of nature, part of the civil contract that governed all societies - a compromise in order for men to live peacefully. Grotius, on the other hand, would not accept the separation of nature and the law - the true law arose out of human nature and, more pertinently to him, the nature of God. As such, the law is not merely a series of arbitrary rules with which those in a social group (say, the state) are forced to comply. It is a base for all interaction, including interaction between states. As such Grotius points to a law than can be transnational, one that binds all cultures and societies. Machiavelli portrayed a system of government that, unlike the systems of government that had been propounded before, was based entirely on pragmatic concerns. In his writings there is a large gap between the concept of things that are morally correct, and those things which are politic and advisable. As he says when regarding the way a leader chooses to rule his people, "it is a sound maxim that reprehensible actions may be justified by their effects" (Brown et al. 266). This, then, completely changes the landscape of how one is to understand the law, which before Machiavelli had been considered the inscription of rules barring those practices which are immoral or against the common good. In other words, people had seen the law as something which was used to protect society from those members of it who wished to harm the rest. The only way the law is a consideration in Machiavelli's philosophy is if the prince needs to pacify the populace and, by doing so, retain control of a kingdo m. The rule of law, then, is merely used by the leader as an appeasement to the collective might of the masses. However - Machiavelli is quite clear - the law can be suspended at any time the prince sees fit, and it should offer no protection from the violence he might wish to inflict - "It should be observed here that men should either be caressed or crushed" (Brown et al. 260). An example that Machiavelli uses is the annexation of Milan by Louis XII and its subsequent loss to Ludovico. When Louis had taken the principality, the people expected certain favours from him but, in actuality, he ruled as a tyrant. This made it nearly impossible for him to hold the Milan when a new attack came from without. "For when the people who had opened the gate to Louis found that they did not receive the benefits they expected, they could not endure the oppressive rule of the new master" (Brown et al. 258). Notice that Machiavelli does not treat the law (and other benefits, such as governmental structures, a wealthy privileged class, etc.) as a result of the organic growth of society. Rather, it is a tactical means of a prince retaining power. Machiavelli does not identify the rule of just law as a prerequisite of the state, quite the opposite, it is one weapon in the arsenal that a ruler might use in order to perpetuate his rule. As we will soon find, Hobbes sees the law as a treaty between a group of people - a little like a social contract - which grows of necessity when enough people congregate. For Machiavelli, however, the rule of law is applied from above, by the prince or emperor. The rule of law is intrinsic to the

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

REFLECTION Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

REFLECTION - Term Paper Example This integrative experience has helped me to develop my knowledge in health care provision and in building my long term and short term professional goals. This essay seeks to provide a reflective approach to the academic experience in Liberty University as one of the recommended superior ways of conducting a re-evaluation of learning experiences. My experience in undergraduate program has had a significant transformational effect on my attitude towards health care provision as part of the community service. One key aspect of nursing that has come out clearly in the learning experience is the sensitivity of nursing practice especially in its application in community service. Human life is delicate and having to handle a patient it is vocational to exercise extreme caution to avoid severe consequences that are associated with carelessness while handling patients. Wise to note also is the high level of professionalism expected with every nursing practitioner in handling matters regardin g patients (Rigolosi, 2005). As one of the most regulated professions in the United States, ethical standards must be adhered to strictly and comprehension of the various policies governing this field has prepared me to enter the nursing field with more expertise. In addition, I have gained a lot academic knowledge as pertains patient treatment and handling of medicine. In fact, the undergraduate program has formed a foundation for advancement in this field and has helped me to set up my career development path in future as part of perfection nursing. In the course of learning, I have found a number of courses crucial in modeling my professional knowledge and skills. One of the courses that has had a great impact on my understanding of the nursing profession is the Nursing leadership course. In this class, I have learned what is expected of me as a novice in the nursing field and how to avoid common mistakes that new entrant in the nursing field often make. A unique content of this course is the nursing sensitive quality indicators that are used in evaluation of the key elements of patient care that reflects the structure, process and outcomes of professional nursing care. In the three processes, I have learnt the level of skills expected from nursing staff, methods of patient assessment and the expected patient outcomes as measures of quality of nursing care. As Rigolosi (2005) points out, nursing practice is a vocational service that demands the application of Christian principles while providing honest and care-driven services to the community. Through this course, I feel that the university has prepared me with the necessary servant attitude while commissioning my duties as a young nursing professional. Another course that has become an eye opener in my learning process is nursing management. One of the key dimensions of nursing practice that were emphasized in this course is the existence of health facility as a business entity. Just like in any other bus iness, resources in the medical sector are scarce and their effective utilization determines the achievable quality of health that can accessed by the community (Rigolosi, 2005). I found the part of human resource management as critical especially in nursing staffing and hiring of medical professionals. However, I found this